
Message of the President of the Republic of Cyprus

"This year marks twenty years since the accession of the Republic of Cyprus to the European Union, (…) to the great European edifice, our common European home, as a full, integral and equal member of "the most significant collective achievement of mankind in the Old Continent since Enlightenment " (…). Twenty years since the greatest success of the Republic of Cyprus since its establishment in 1960.(…)

We have the opportunity to reflect on how much we have achieved as a member-state, how much the EU has offered to us, and how much the Republic of Cyprus and we, as European citizens, have contributed to the achievement of an ever-closer Union. It is also important to reflect on how Cyprus’ position, a country divided by the illegal Turkish occupation, has been strengthened, by being a member of the European Union.(…)

It is evident that a strong European Union means a strong Cyprus, and this is what I always have in mind whilst working towards the promotion of the interests of both our country and of our children."

Nikos Christodoulides, President of the Republic of Cyprus



                            Programme                                                               Photographic album "20 years Cyprus - EU" 





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